Thursday, October 10, 2013

The light that shines in the darkest moments....

So far our posts have been primarily about our progress in fundraising.  I decided that I wanted to share a more intimate side of the adoption process with those of you who care to read it and might like to have more of a connection with us through this journey. I feel that those of you who are so generously supporting us, deserve that!

I'm sure if anyone reading this post has gone through any phase of the adoption process, they will be able to relate to this entry.  Even when you are confident that God has lead you to do something (actually, maybe even more so when God has lead you to do something!) the thoughts of doubt start to come in.  For me, they sometimes look like this...

* What are you doing? This is so expensive...
* What if the mom changes her mind during the 10-day window or something else happens where she is taken back?
* You still have so far to go...
* Haven't you heard about how hard it is for the child to adjust?!?!
* What if the child has unknown medical problems that show up later?
* What if Abigail struggles with her identity and why she wasn't raised by her birth parents?
* What if she decides later she'd rather live with them?
* How much of a relationship are we comfortable having with the birth parents?
* What if we don't connect and bond like we should?
* What if I'm an awful mom?
* on.........................

Yes, I've thought these thoughts!  The enemy wants to plant seeds of doubt!

The awesome thing is that even in the worst moments of doubt, the light shines; His light shines. He reminds us that He planted this desire in us in the first place. I'll never forget when I brought up the topic of adoption years ago, which completely surprised Benson that it was on my heart, and he immediately said he felt the same way.  He had the same thoughts about how great it would be to provide a loving home to a child that might not get that otherwise. Then, we found out that it cost $25,000!  Well, we didn't have or almost have that kind of money!  Still don't! Yet, we are still confident that God has lead us down this path and unless He completely closes the door on it, we are taking one step at a time until we have Abigail in our arms.

We could "what if" ourselves through the entire process. But, why?  God has it all taken care of anyway.  He already knows the end of the story.  And, whatever it is "we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." (Romans 8:28) That's all that matters!  He's working it all out.  It doesn't matter how long it takes. He's called us to this.  It doesn't matter about the doubts and struggles because they just draw us closer to Him.  They're actually a good thing because He says "when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing."(James 1: 2-4)

So, even though we're human with doubts and insecurities, we know who runs the show! We know it will all turn out according to His purposes. How do we know that?  Because, "The Lord will work out his plans for my life— for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever." (Psalm 138:8 ) and He says..."For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.(Jeremiah 29:11)"

Thanks for taking the time to read this and please continue to pray for us, our future daughter, her birth parents and the entire process. We pray that you are all abundantly blessed!

Heather & Benson

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We started feeling a tug on our hearts toward adoption many years ago and we started praying, researching and talking about it. Even though we felt we were being called to adopt a little girl (and even knew what her name would be!), we did not feel like we were being led to do it at that moment in time. Well...5+ years later the desire is still there and we feel confident that is because God is the one who planted the desire in us in the first place.

We'd love to say that everything has fallen into place perfectly (including the funds to adopt) but that's not the case. Regardless, we believe God is telling us it’s time to take a huge leap of faith and act on the desire He planted in us to adopt. We have no idea how it's all going to work out but we know we serve a mighty God!! Without a doubt, we can’t do it on our own and don’t think God intended for us to. So, with His help and yours, we hope to be able to introduce you to Abigail Grace in His perfect timing!

There are many ways that you can help. First and foremost, we ask for your prayer through this journey! We know that it is likely to be a long process. We need God's guidance and peace for as long as it takes and for any obstacles we may encounter.

Secondly, the simple fact of the matter is that we need funds to make this happen. In that regard, you will see a "Donate" button if you would like to make a direct donation which will be applied at 100% to Abigail's adoption fund. In addition, we have some great fundraising links that you will find here including SendOutCards, T-shirts, Coffee and Flowers. Please know that anything you can do is greatly appreciated!

Thank you all!

Love and Blessings,
Benson and Heather


Our Love Story

Ours is an unusual story of love and committment. We met at a very young age. It didn't take us long to realize that this was the real deal so we made the "crazy" decision at the ages of 16 and 20 to get married. Twenty years later we are still going strong and ready to add a little girl to our family.


When people ask us for marriage advice, the first thing we tell them is "Please don't assume we have it all figured out because we don't." But, there is one thing we know without doubt! God brought us together. He means for us to be each other's for life and we don't pretend to know better than Him. As anyone in a good marriage will tell you, it's not always easy but it's worth it. With God at the core of our relationship, we believe it will only get better as the years go on! And, we're looking forward to sharing future years with Abigail Grace in God's perfect timing.

Prom (1997)

Our Wedding Day (July 8, 1995)