Thursday, September 5, 2013

First Official Step...Formal Application Time!

Could it be?!?!  It almost seems surreal that so many years after first making the decision to adopt, we are FINALLY applying to do just that!
As those of you who have been following our adoption journey already know, the only thing we've been able to do so far is fundraise and we still have plenty of funds needed!  Fundraising has been and will continue to be, of course, a very important and crucial part of the adoption process!

I know we've said it a million times but, to each and every one of you who have contributed so far in anyway, THANK YOU! To the amazing friends that are showing true support and care, thank you! I know you probably get tired of seeing so much about us needing funds but this is a huge expense we just can't handle on our own.  Honestly, I think God has shown us that He never intended for us to do this on our own anyway.  I think He has shown us that by involving others in this process, it is becoming so much bigger than ourselves and touching so many more than we ever imagined!  We couldn't realize this dream of adopting a precious little girl without you!

With all that said, Benson & I have decided to go ahead and submit our formal application for infant domestic adoption!  We're not even going to wait to complete the training class first.  Since we are already registered to take the required training class next month, we figured this will get us a step ahead! We still have lots of funds to raise but we know God put this desire in our hearts to begin with and will work that all out! 

This is pretty exciting since aside from fundraising, it's the first real step in the process!  We know this is only the beginning of a long roller coaster ride and LOTS of paperwork.  But, we're thankful and excited!  Please keep us in your prayers.

Some people have shown interest in the fees involved and since so many of you are helping to contribute financially, I've decided to post the agency fee breakdown so you can get a better idea of what the money goes toward! 

Again, thank you!!!!

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We started feeling a tug on our hearts toward adoption many years ago and we started praying, researching and talking about it. Even though we felt we were being called to adopt a little girl (and even knew what her name would be!), we did not feel like we were being led to do it at that moment in time. Well...5+ years later the desire is still there and we feel confident that is because God is the one who planted the desire in us in the first place.

We'd love to say that everything has fallen into place perfectly (including the funds to adopt) but that's not the case. Regardless, we believe God is telling us it’s time to take a huge leap of faith and act on the desire He planted in us to adopt. We have no idea how it's all going to work out but we know we serve a mighty God!! Without a doubt, we can’t do it on our own and don’t think God intended for us to. So, with His help and yours, we hope to be able to introduce you to Abigail Grace in His perfect timing!

There are many ways that you can help. First and foremost, we ask for your prayer through this journey! We know that it is likely to be a long process. We need God's guidance and peace for as long as it takes and for any obstacles we may encounter.

Secondly, the simple fact of the matter is that we need funds to make this happen. In that regard, you will see a "Donate" button if you would like to make a direct donation which will be applied at 100% to Abigail's adoption fund. In addition, we have some great fundraising links that you will find here including SendOutCards, T-shirts, Coffee and Flowers. Please know that anything you can do is greatly appreciated!

Thank you all!

Love and Blessings,
Benson and Heather


Our Love Story

Ours is an unusual story of love and committment. We met at a very young age. It didn't take us long to realize that this was the real deal so we made the "crazy" decision at the ages of 16 and 20 to get married. Twenty years later we are still going strong and ready to add a little girl to our family.


When people ask us for marriage advice, the first thing we tell them is "Please don't assume we have it all figured out because we don't." But, there is one thing we know without doubt! God brought us together. He means for us to be each other's for life and we don't pretend to know better than Him. As anyone in a good marriage will tell you, it's not always easy but it's worth it. With God at the core of our relationship, we believe it will only get better as the years go on! And, we're looking forward to sharing future years with Abigail Grace in God's perfect timing.

Prom (1997)

Our Wedding Day (July 8, 1995)